Sunday, October 24, 2010


Things I Want To Accomplish Before January 20, 2012:

-Make, maintain, and complete my own personal quote book

-Buy 6 more shirts with sequins, glitter, or rhinestones on them

-Do another Random Act of Kindness for Secret Agent L

-Send something to Post Secret

-Learn 200 words in ASL

-Learn how to make lucky stars (origami)

-Get a 3.5 GPA (in a semester)

-Get a passport

-Go to another Country (probably Canada)

-Read a book

-Blog once a week

-Complete Keri Smith's 100 Things List

-Decide on an intrinsic or a for others project, develop it, and carry it out.  

-Work on Keri Smith's book "How To Be An Explorer Of The World" and complete 30 missions.

-Get fuchsia highlights

-Learn to live instead of exist work in progress

-Send more mail-art (365 Day Mail-Art Project)

-Go to a field/meadow with balloons and take pictures

-Go back to the Enchanted Forest

-Go back to the pier from 2008 and blow more bubbles

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Things I Did Not Accomplish:

Go to an amusement park: This was simply from lack of time. It ended up coming down to this or the Broadway show, so I chose the latter. It's definitely going on the list for next year though. :)

Play in the rain: This was due to procrastination. By the time I realized I hadn't done it yet was too late because it didn't rain between then and my birthday. :/ Going on the list for next time.

Read a book: Cover to cover? Nope. I'm lazy. I really need to do this though.

Pass out Tuesday Brochures: I didn't actually get to pass them out to strangers, but I did make them, and I do have them, and I did take them with me to Chicago and gave them to April and Jes. No pictures though. :(

Get a passport: This seems like something I need to do once I decide on a place that I'm actually going to go to. So it's going on the next list, but only because my other goal is to leave the country.

Visit somewhere not in the US: Read above: Goal is to do this before 2012 now. Hopefully somewhere in Europe, I feel like Canada is cheating.

PS- Sorry it took so long to close out this blog. But it's done now! Yay!

Not Break My Phone Or Camera

I actually upgraded both my camera AND my phone from the time that this list was created and my 22nd birthday. But none of the 4 electronic items broke ever! :)

Find A Pair Of Sunglasses That Don't Make My Face Look Ridiculous

Caylee sent these to me for my goal:

I'm pretty sure that it counts because they are SO ridiculous that I LOOK GOOD. :)