Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Met April Noga

And it was amazing.

April was on vacation in Philadelphia with her sister Kristy and Kristy's friend Lauren. It's only about 2 hours away from me so Friday I drove up there and met them across the street from the Liberty Bell. They welcomed me with open arms and I didn't feel left out once during the entire day.

We went to the Liberty Bell. We went to Independence Hall. We went to a Textile Museum. I took some pictures but not nearly enough of us. She has more on her camera and when she gets home I will post more. We then went to a bar where we ate, drank, danced, talked, and sang. I am in love with April Noga and her life. It felt right. Like why haven't I been with her all along?

I drove home later that night and got home around midnight. I am so excited to be able to check this off my list.


PS- I am now also checking this off as my spontaneous and unnecessary road trip because I need it for my list (point 1) and I didn't realize that I was going officially till the night before (point 2). So it counts. Especially because I did it alone.

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