Saturday, June 26, 2010

Go Run Through A Sprinkler

Ran through a sprinkler at night with Katie at her boyfriend's birthday party. In my clothes.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

See A Broadway Show

Katie and I drove to Wolftrap in Virginia to see Cats! It was super hot out but we managed through the entire show and drank lots of water/cooled ourselves with baggies of ice! :)
The show was really great. I admire people like those actors.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Secret Agent L Mission

Mission: Snail Mail Kit
Date: 06/18/2010
Time: Approximately 11:30 AM

So I wanted to do something for a mission that was related to something that I love so I decided to do something with (snail) mail. I created a small starter package (which technically cost me nothing but the cost of the stamps because I used things from my own stash) for writing snail mail. I included a letter which explained this and the contents included postcards, a pen, envelopes, a note card, some stationery, and some seals. 

The way that this was kept anonymous is that I went to my PO Box, and selected the neighbor to my right,

wrote their address on an envelope (without a return address) 

and plopped it in the mail box outside the post office. 

It felt really good to know that someone is going to open their PO Box and find something from a stranger. RAOK YOU MAKE MY DAY!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cook Dinner

I (mostly) cooked dinner at Katie's house!

Me cooking:

The sandwiches!

The mushrooms and onions:

The french fries:

A fairly simple meal, but it's a start. I need to start learning how to cook!

Make Tuesday Shirts!

Tuesday is the project/way of thinking that April Noga created (my pen-pal). I have wanted to make shirts to commemorate this idea/project for a long time and today I finally did! Check em out!

Overtip A Waiter or Waitress for Exceptional Service

While we were at Chuck E Cheese, the waiters were really nice. I called the guy by his name that was printed on the receipt (Kevin) over to our table and told him if he got me a drink I'd tip him. So he got me a Mr. Pibb, no ice and I gave him $15!! :-)

I think I made his day.

Use The Rest Of My Chuck E Cheese Tokens

I went with Katie, Andrew, and Andrew's little brother Matthew to Chuck E Cheese last night. Not only did I use the 13 remaining coupons from 2 years ago, but I received 25 more and used all those too! I got some awesome picture cards and here is a picture of my playing the famous bumble bee game!

Honk If You're Happy

Katie and I held up "HONK IF YOU'RE HAPPY!" and "IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT HONK YOUR HORN" signs on her busy street corner yesterday. It's becoming crunch time with my birthday being on Monday and I want to get as much crossed off this list as possible.

Anyway, there were 100 cars that we counted in the short time we were out there going by. And only 35 of them honked! One guy had his window rolled down, looked at my sign, and said "I'm not..." and drove away. Funny but so sad!

So fun.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Meet Jes

I went up to visit Jes and April for Flag Day weekend in Chicago, IL. It was a wonderful and inspiring weekend and probably the last thing I will accomplish before I turn 22 as my birthday is in 6 days.

Here are some pictures:
This is me and Jes at Crust the restaurant.
This is me and the gang in the bathroom at Crust restaurant.

This is us at the beach.

This is the view from the Sears tower.

This is April and I hanging a banner.

Dancing with April outside the Super Dog.

Jes playing the trumpet, Cassie holding the music, April...appreciating the music.

Me standing in front of a pretty awesome fountain in Millenium Park.

Standing in front of the city.