Sunday, October 24, 2010


Things I Want To Accomplish Before January 20, 2012:

-Make, maintain, and complete my own personal quote book

-Buy 6 more shirts with sequins, glitter, or rhinestones on them

-Do another Random Act of Kindness for Secret Agent L

-Send something to Post Secret

-Learn 200 words in ASL

-Learn how to make lucky stars (origami)

-Get a 3.5 GPA (in a semester)

-Get a passport

-Go to another Country (probably Canada)

-Read a book

-Blog once a week

-Complete Keri Smith's 100 Things List

-Decide on an intrinsic or a for others project, develop it, and carry it out.  

-Work on Keri Smith's book "How To Be An Explorer Of The World" and complete 30 missions.

-Get fuchsia highlights

-Learn to live instead of exist work in progress

-Send more mail-art (365 Day Mail-Art Project)

-Go to a field/meadow with balloons and take pictures

-Go back to the Enchanted Forest

-Go back to the pier from 2008 and blow more bubbles

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